The quickly developing city of Dar with its delightful roads
loaded with garde flooding with tropical vegetation. Arranged on the southern
best of lake Tan appreciates incredible associate I with the lake and as the Lake Tana Tours
(Tis Sat).

The Blue Nile falls known locally as Tis Isat which
signifies "smoke of fire"is by for the best spon either the white nor
the Blue Nile streams where it has been gone by b numerous eminent guests, for
example, the lake eighteenth century voyager Jame Bruce and in later
circumstances. Ruler Elizabeth of Britain. Lake Tan which is wellsprings of the
Blue Nile is the biggest waterway in Ethiopia covering 3,500 sq. km. Including
37 islands on which more than 20 is 1 have dynamite and cloisters dating the
fourteenth centure where gigantically exceptional fortunes of Bahir Dar Tours

Bahir Dar History,
culture and workmanship are gently and painstakingly shielded inside these
islands. BAHIR DAR 518km far from Addis Ababa, it is situated on the southern
of the Blue Nile with its old religious communities and both the Blue and the
White Nile is most tremendous element, the Tis Iat cascades, on the island at
Depa Estefanos, you will discover the cloister or DEK Stefanos, which has a
precious gathering of symbols original copies and houses the embalmed stays of
various Ethio sovereigns.
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